
A walnut is an edible seed of any tree of the genus Juglans, especially the Persian walnut, Juglans regia After plantation, the plant takes approximately four years until it produces its first major crop

Commercially, the nuts are being cultivated in the United States of America, Moldavia, France, Turkey, and China

Walnuts are revered since ancient times as symbol of intellectuality since their kernels have convoluted surface inside the shell resembling as that of brain

The nuts are rich source of energy and contain many health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.

Walnuts are revered since ancient times as symbol of intellectuality since their kernels have convoluted surface inside the shell resembling as that of brain.

The walnut fruit is enclosed in a green, leathery, fleshy husk. This husk is inedible. After harvest, the removal of the husk reveals the wrinkly walnut shell, which is in two halves. This shell is hard and encloses the kernel, which is also made up of two halves separated by a partition.

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